Tuesday 12 May 2015

Day 8, Robin Hood's Bay to Scarborough

Well I've only got one thing to say today - and that's wind!  There was too much of it today.  It was blowing at about 25 miles per hour and gusting a lot more than that - all the time.

We had about an hours drive to Robin Hood's bay - Steve Y and Alan were driver and co-pilot.  We were dropped off at the top of the village as it would be very difficult to get the bus down to the harbour where the path started.  The walk today was to be quite challenging in that there were some significant ups and downs, but it was made considerably more so by the strong south westerly winds which buffeted us from our right or we were walking into it.  There was not much rain thank goodness, and when you did get out of the wind like at our lunch spot it was really warm and sunny.  There were no nice little villages en-route just a lot of coast path, steps and slopes. Steve and Alan met up with us after about 8 miles, they had done well - but the wind was behind them!!

Looking back from the highest point, it's amazing to think we have walked the entire length of that coast line!

Plodding on!
 There was some lovely coast line, but I must admit I was very glad to see Scarborough!  Some of the boys enjoyed the walk as it was a challenge, but I'm with the girls in that it was our least favourite day, it was a long 14 mile slog.  Anyway we walk along the seafront in Scarborough tomorrow which is actually about 3 miles long, and then about 7 miles more of coast path to Filey and the finish.

Scarborough beach huts - sorry - chalets!

Dinner is cottage pie and rhubarb crumble, and it's already beer o'clock!

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