Monday 11 May 2015

Day 7 Sandsend to Robin Hood's Bay.

Lovely weather today, just a few spots of rain first thing, and I even rolled my trousers up this afternoon!

We left the house at 7.30 am, which was slightly earlier than usual, and drove the 50 minutes to Sandsend again - and as planned yesterday had breakfast in this great seaside café. 
The breakfast café
 So we actually started walking at about 9.15.  Steve W and Jacqui were driver and co-pilot.  They started the walk with us this time as both had walked the end part as it was the same as the Coast to Coast route into Robin Hood's Bay.
Under the whale bones at Whitby with the ruined abbey behind.
We walked along the seafront and made our way for about 3 miles, to Whitby, across the river and up the 199 steps to the abbey.  Apparently it is difficult to count these steps, so everyone counted - apart from Steve Y who did his best to put everyone off!  Whitby looks a lovely place to explore, so we may go back in a couple of days when we have a free day.  Steve and Jacqui turned back at this point to walk back to the bus via the coffee and eccles cake shop! 

Whitby from the steps.
Counting the steps!
We carried on along the coast path, up and down a bit, but nothing too bad today; it seemed to go on for quite a while though.  
Tim contemplating - is that sign post really pointing left??
When we were about 3 miles from Robin Hood's Bay we met the coast to coast path where it joined the Clevedon Way path.  On we went eventually arriving at Robin Hood's Bay, where we had to walk down and down to the sea, finding Jacqui and Steve sunning themselves on the beach having had a paddle!!  A beer or two were called for at the Wainwright Arms as before (see Coast to Coast blog    )

On the beach!

On the way back in the bus, everyone was having a bit of a doze, when Steve W suddenly shouted and stopped - there was a great big cardboard box in the middle of our side of the road.  Tim nipped out and picked it up, finding that it contained parcel tape and lots of other stationery goodies from Staples.  There was an address on the parcel which happened to be up the road, so we dropped it off! The lady concerned was  quite amazed, we also then saw the delivery driver obviously looking for the parcel, so he was really grateful - our good turn for the day :)  

I must mention that our feet have been surprisingly good this year, I developed one blister a couple of days ago, and one or two others have small problems, but nothing too bad - but our sheeps wool that was collected last year was used to great effect - if you don't know about the sheeps wool discussion then do read last year's blog on Offa's Dyke. .  

Pat's team cooking pork in mustard sauce tonight with bread and butter pudding - yummy.  

Tomorrow sees us getting to Scarborough, the penultimate day; we will have a couple of long drives now, but being able to stay in one house has been lovely.

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