Sunday 10 May 2015

Day 6 Skinningrove to Sandsend

Must mention Alan again today as he was really on top form with Trivial Pursuit last night - although not on the winning side due to dice throwing, he answered a lot of questions - and last time no-one believed him when he said the ancient mariners wear albatrosses around their necks; and of course that was the correct answer!!

Today I was driver and Pat was co-pilot - and we hatched a plan that involved drinking coffee before starting any walking!
Steve W in a boat at Skinningrove.
We dropped the team at Skinningrove and they started off walking towards a steep climb up onto the cliff tops.  We drove to Staithe which was a pretty little village that could easily have been Cornish as we parked at the top and walked down through to the harbour. The walkers were going to walk through Staithe later Nothing was open at this time so after wandering around we walked back up to the bus and drove on to Sandsend.

Once we parked we found a wonderful seaside cafe that seemed to have lots of people eating breakfast, so we went inside for coffee and cake - Pat had a lovely piece of lemon cake and I had an Eccles cake.  While we were sitting there, we thought that it would be good to start with breakfast in the cafe tomorrow, as we have a relatively short walk that day - so we thought we would put the plan to the group when we met up with them.
Well, - we thought we ought to do some walking, so set off up the path to the cliff top and walked 4.8 miles along relatively flatish terrain, and just as we thought we may have to go down to a village, we saw them coming towards us!  So that was great, - they had struggled up a lot of steps from the beach at Runswick bay.  We turned round, and found a nice lunch spot, then headed back to Sandsend, where a cup of tea or ice cream was called for.  The walkers climbed to the highest point along the east coast which was just above Skinningrove.
very large hill and steps from beach at Runswick.

Heading into Sandsend.
We headed back where I was on cooking duty with Steve W and John; we cooked roast chicken with roast veg etc. and Walt made some yorkshire puddings which rose a treat.  - I think we will all go home about a stone heavier despite the walking!!

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